5 Tips to Sell on a Busy Street Proven to Work

Every home buyer will end up compromising on something when buying their first home. Everything from an extra bedroom and a large backyard to living near a busy road. When you are living near a busy road with high traffic, the compromise is peaceful and quiet. Homes near busy roads tend to sell for less than nearby homes, attracting far fewer buyers than those in other parts of the neighborhood. To those who don’t mind, this can come off as great news, as there are always solutions to dealing with the sound of the busy street. In this article, we will dig up five tips for selling a home near traffic.

Continue to read to find out five essential tips for selling a home near a busy road in Silicon Valley.

1. You Can Make the Inside of the House Quieter

Something as simple as the addition of a fan can make the sounds of traffic less noticeable. During a showing, you can play soft music to distract prospective buyers from the outside noise–especially in rooms with windows. A nice pair of heavy drapes can help. However, the best thing to do is to ensure that windows are properly sealed with weather strips and caulk. The more expensive triple-pane and noise-reducing windows can do the trick if it is a serious problem.

2. Ensure Your “For Sale” Sign Pops

One of the few advantages of living near a busy road is the attraction that your home and your for sale sign can gain just as much attraction. With more people driving by, your street sign will have more exposure. To attract more, try including more information on your house by putting more information on the sign. Emphasi buyers, you mixed the best features of your home, both indoors and outdoors, to make your sign stand out more. Give more information to the potential buyer who otherwise would have been less intrigued.

3. Up Your Curb Appeal

There are plenty of methods to reduce the impact of living on a busy street. Consider planting shrubs or trees along the roadside, which can help drown out the sound of passing cars. Adding a fountain close to any exits of the home can help block out noise. Consider adding a water fountain, as the sound of bubbling water can drown out noise while providing a relaxing ambiance. Adding a tall fence with no gaps around the home is also a great addition, as sound reflects off of dense objects.

4. Consider Safety

It is always worth thinking that homes located near busier streets or access roads are easier for emergency vehicles to reach, meaning that there will be a faster response time if anything ever warrants a 911 phone call. Other deliveries can be quicker, too, which is a plus for some prospective buyers.

5. Allow Open Houses

Open houses are a great method a real estate agent will use to attract potential buyers. Real estate agents can advertise open houses in advance, where prospective buyers can tour the area they have identified as a place to live. They may or may not be working with a relator. With a for sale sign and an open house sign that pops and stands out on a busy street, your open house can bring in tons of prospective buyers. An open house also serves as an opportunity for other realtors to see your home, especially if they are working with buyers and might know of several who are in search of a home like yours in the price range your home has been listed for.


There is a buyer for every home. Selling your home with a location on a busy street will depend on tons of factors, like other homes on less busy roads. The number of potential buyers will be less, and the price might be less than a similar house on a quiet street in a suburb. With help from a trusted realtor, you can establish a competitive price for your home that will add value while also attracting prospective buyers. Trust the real estate professionals at Homeowner Experience Real Estate to list your home for the best price while also guiding you in finding and settling down in the home of your dreams in the many beautiful urban neighborhoods that make up Silicon Valley today.

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