Moving to a new house is exciting, but it can also be very costly! Everything from packing materials to transportation costs adds up and will start to really eat into your moving budget. Thankfully, there are quite a few ways to get creative in helping to reduce costs. Let’s look at the top 5 ways you can save money during this time.

1. Start Planning and Organize Ahead of Time

Getting on top of organizing will be one of your best strategies in saving money. Start a list that is detailed, including everything from packing supplies to when utilities will need to be transferred. The more organzied you can be, the greater chance that unexpected expenses won’t crop up last minute.

  • Purge and Declutter: Begin by working through your belongings early and making the decision on what to give away or sell. By minimizing the amount of items you own, you reduce the need to pack those items and pay to move them.
  • DIY That Packing: If you break the packing down into bite sizes, it really doesn’t have to be all that overwhelming and you can save a significant amount of money by doing so.

2. Get Multiple Rates for Moving Companies

Shop around to see what the best rate for a moving company in your area will be. There are sometimes even deals with companies such as UHaul when you are moving to a certain city, if they need vehicles transferred to that area.

  • Check Multiple Companies: Many companies will offer a free quote on their website, which can be an easy way to compare rates. Also be sure to check for hidden costs and ask for a breakdown of the cost details to make sure you are getting exactly what you need at a cost that is affordable for you.
  • Check Reviews: Word of mouth advertising truly is the best advertising and reviews online can provide just the information you need to know to make an informed decision. A company with a high customer satisfaction rate will be a benefit to you during a stressful season.

3. Look for Free or Low-Cost Packing Materials

Packing materials are one of those things that can really add up. Most of the time you can find great used materials that you can then turn and pass along when you are finished with them as well.

  • Recycle Boxes: It’s easy to find used packing boxes on sites such as Facebook Marketplace or by asking around to friends and family.
  • Utilize Household Items: Items you already own such as blankets, towels, stuffed animals, and other soft materials make great packing materials. By using them to cushion your fragile items, you reduce the need to buy bubble wrap or packing paper. As an added benefit, you are not paying to move packing peanuts, but your actual belongings instead.

4. Take Advantage of the Off-Season

If you have the ability to move during the off-season, you can significantly reduce your moving expenses.

  • Off-Peak Times: The weekends and the beginning and end of the month often tend to be the busiest times to move, which makes them the most expensive. If you can swing a middle of the week or month move, that is a way to reduce your costs.
  • Off-Season: Spring and summer tend to be the most swamped times for moving companies. If you can make an off-season move work to your advantage, you will often find that companies will run specials to try and drum up customers.

5. Efficient Utilities Management

Taking care of your utility transfers and disconnections in an organized manner will pay off in the end.

  • Check it off the To-Do List: Contact your utility companies early to arrange disconnections at your old home and connections at your new one. Doing this will help avoid overlapping charges and service interruptions, and it will also reduce your to-do list, easing the mental load of your move.
  • Transfer Services: Some utility providers allow you to transfer services rather than disconnect and reconnect them. This option can save you money on fees and make the transition smoother.

The Bottom Line

Moving is stressful and expensive. If you plan ahead and make a detailed list of tasks to do, it will serve you well by helping to reduce costs. If you are thinking of buying or selling soon, give us a call today to see the homes we have available in Lee’s Summit. We would love to make this transition as smooth as possible for you.

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