7 Styles of Silicon Valley Residential Architecture of Note

San Jose, CA, in Silicon Valley, is a rich city full of vibrant, beautiful architectural history. Prospective residents of Silicon Valley love San Jose for its several types of homes that can be found in and on the outskirts of the city and its many wonderful, noteworthy neighborhoods. Some of the most common architectural styles of homes will be discussed in this article, taking a deep dive into the many styles and how each benefits different sizes of families and their needs.

Continue to read to find out the seven styles of Silicon Valley architecture that can be found in the neighborhoods.

1. Victorian

San Jose is known for its historic, colorful displays of Victorian houses built between 1849 and 1915. These types of homes typically stand between two or three stories tall, featuring intricate detailing on the exterior and interior of the home, including ornate moldings, decorative gables, and bay windows.

2. Edwardian

Similar to its counterpart, the Victorian Edwardian homes were constructed between 1901 and 1915 and characterized by a simple, elegant design. These homes often feature box shapes, flat facades, and understated ornamentation. Victorian and Edwardian architecture can be found in most areas of the city, in less areas south of the 280 and the marina.

What is the Difference between Victorian and Edwardian Homes? 

  1. Time Period. Victorian homes got their namesake from Queen Victoria, most popular during her reign from 1837 to 1901. Edwardian architecture was first seen during the reign of King Edward III from 1901 to 1910.
  2. Differing Ornamentation. Victorian architecture is widely known for its elaborate ornamentation, including details like ornate moldings, stained glass windows, and decorative brackets. Edwardian architecture features simpler designs with fewer embellishments and a streamlined appearance.
  3. Shape. Victorian homes are typically in a symmetrical shape, featuring gables, towers, and turrets. Edwardian homes are more symmetrical and showcase a boxy shape with different materials.
  4. Materials & Features. Victorian homes are usually constructed with stone or brick while Edwardian homes are constructed with timber or stucco. The interior features are different as well, with Victorian homes featuring ornate fireplaces, large, elaborate staircases, and decorative molding, while Edwardian homes are more likely to have more simplistic fireplaces, plain staircases, and less decorative ceilings.

3. Art Deco

The third popular style of home that can be found in Silicon Valley is the Art Deco. While many homes from this era are gone, there are a handful of timeless pieces that are sprinkled throughout the city.

4. Mid-Century Modern

The fourth kind of architecture that can be found in Silicon Valley is a Mid-Century Modern. Mid-century modern homes were constructed post-WWII between the 1940s and 1960s. These homes are well-known for their clean lines, open floor plans, and integration with a large, beautiful surrounding landscape.

5. Contemporary

The fifth type of architecture that can be found in Silicon Valley is a Contemporary home. These homes are characterized by their innovative design and use of modern materials from steel, glass, and concrete. Contemporary homes feature large windows, and open floor plans, and are designed to maximize natural views and bring in light.

6. Craftsman Style

The sixth notable type of architecture that can be found in Silicon Valley is the Craftsman style. Craftsman homes gained popularity in the 1900s, and are known for their simplistic, yet elegant designs. Natural materials like stone and wood have an emphasis on craftsmanship and quality construction.

7. Marina Style

The seventh popular style of architecture that can be found in Silicon Valley is a Marina-style home. The Marina-style house is a popular architectural style in Silicon Valley, as well as other parts of California. This house style was constructed between the 1920s and 1930s, a subtype of arts and crafts style, characterized by a distinctive barrel front shape that gives the house the appearance of a ship. The Marina house features an open floor plan with spacious living and dining rooms, with a fireplace as the focal point.

The Bottom Line

Silicon Valley is a city with a diverse range of housing styles, each with its architectural brilliance from many different eras. The homes found in the city reflect a rich history of construction and design, perfect for housing families of all sizes and personal needs. Let the professionals at Homeowner Experience Real Estate guide you in finding and settling into your dream home with its distinctive architectural style in the many beautiful neighborhoods of San Jose, CA today!

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