Pros and Cons of Living in a Walkable Neighborhood

Finding the right neighborhood in the many flourishing neighborhoods within Las Vegas can take tons of time and the right amount of research. It is important to identify what type of neighborhood to look for that will perfectly fit your family’s needs, whether it is a neighborhood with a high walkability rate or somewhere far from the city. In this article, we will uncover the benefits, as well as the cons, of living in a walkable neighborhood.

Continue to read to find the benefits of calling a walkable neighborhood home, as well as the cons that come along with it.

Benefits of Living in a Walkable Las Vegas Neighborhood

1. Convenience 

A significant benefit to you and your family of living in a walkable neighborhood is the convenience factor. When living in a neighborhood with a high walkability rate, you can easily access essential amenities from grocery stores, restaurants, and other fun activities like shopping without having to rely heavily on public transportation.

2. Fitness and Health 

When living in a walkable neighborhood, you will find yourself encouraged to live a more active lifestyle. Walking to nearby places will contribute to improved fitness and health by the incorporation of physical activity into your daily routine.

3. Savings of Cost

Depending on the location of your walkable neighborhood, living here can reduce the overall cost of transportation. With easily accessible entertainment venues, shops, workplaces, and restaurants, you can save on parking fees, fuel, and the overall expense of transportation.

4. Social Interaction 

Neighborhoods that have a high walkability rate can foster a deep sense of community. For example, you are more likely to encounter fellow neighbors, find great local events to participate in and establish social connections. In the end, it can enhance your overall well-being while creating a supportive network around yourself.

5. Benefits to your Environment 

Walkable neighborhoods can promote sustainability in your environment by reducing vehicle emissions and congestion of traffic. Living in such a neighborhood can contribute to an overall greener environment while reducing your carbon footprint.

Disadvantages of Living in a Walkable Las Vegas Neighborhood

1. Higher Cost of Rent & Homeownership 

Neighborhoods that have a high walkability rate, particularly in high-demand urban areas, tend to come with a higher rent or homeownership price because of their location advantages. Rental properties, in particular in these areas, might be more expensive compared to those in less walkable areas.

2. Limited Housing Options 

Depending on the neighborhood type, the availability of rentals or houses may be limited. In popular walkable areas, there are higher demands for housing, making it challenging to find any suitable options as most are taken.

3. Crowds and Noise 

Walkable neighborhoods are typically buzzing with activity, especially during peak hours of the day. If you prefer a quieter environment, the constant presence of people and noise may be a downside.

4. Challenges with Parking 

In dense urban areas with walkable neighborhoods, it can be a pain to find parking. If you own a car, you may have to pay separately for a dedicated parking spot that is convenient for you to easily commute to where you need to go.

5. Increased Population Density 

Walkable neighborhoods tend to be more dense in terms of infrastructure and population. This can be beneficial in some ways. However, it can also mean heavier traffic, higher noise levels, and reduced privacy.

How to Find the Perfect Walkable Las Vegas Neighborhood for You

Finding the perfect property in a walkable neighborhood will require adequate research, exploration, and using all the right resources, which is why we have listed the below steps to find what you may be looking for in a property:

  • Locate Your Prefered Neighborhood 
  • Research the Walkability Scores of a Neighborhood
  • Utilize Online Rental Platforms 
  • Check It Out In-Person 
  • Seek Some Recommendations 
  • Consider Alternate Housing Options 

1. Locate Your Prefered Neighborhood 

When you are looking into finding a walkable neighborhood, determine the particular community in Las Vegas where you would like to settle. You will want to consider all the factors that come with settling into a neighborhood, from preferred amenities, proximity to your job, and your thoughts on the neighborhood.

2. Research the Walkability Scores of a Neighborhood 

If you have a computer or a smartphone, utilize the internet that provides walkability scores of your Las Vegas neighborhoods. For example, websites such as Zillow and Trulia can help you to identify neighborhoods with high walkability rates.

3. Utilize Online Rental Platforms 

Get on your computer or phone and browse through popular online rental platforms such as Zillow to find available properties. You can utilize search filters to narrow down options based on location and desired amenities and then look at properties located in or near walkable neighborhoods.

4. Check It Out In-Person 

Take the time to explore the neighborhoods that you are interested in in person. Walk around, visit nearby local businesses, and get a true sense of the walkability of the neighborhood. Look for well-maintained sidewalks, pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, and the proximity of amenities that you value.

5. Seek Some Recommendations 

Connect with the locals of neighborhoods in Las Vegas that you are interested in, friends, or colleagues, as they can provide you with valuable insight and recommendations when regarding walkable neighborhoods and available properties. Engage with the local community through events or online forums dedicated to the neighborhood you are considering, as these groups can be a great source of insightful information about available rentals or homes to buy nearby.

6. Consider Alternative Housing Options 

Consider looking into small-scale rental opportunities such as townhomes, single-family homes, or duplexes instead of traditional apartment buildings. These types of properties might offer different rental experiences while providing prospective residents access to the desired neighborhood amenities.

The Bottom Line

If you are searching for a home property in a Las Vegas neighborhood with a high walkability rate, there are many steps to take to find one. Additionally, you may learn that there are many benefits to living near accessible amenities. However, it is important to recognize the disadvantages if you are searching for a more low-key, secluded home. Regardless of which property you are looking for, let the professionals at The Las Vegas Luxury Real Estate guide you in finding and settling into your dream home in the many wonderful neighborhoods in Las Vegas, NV, today.

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